Components of ER-6 Form:
Form ER – 6 is sub-rule (3) of rule 9A of CENVAT Credit Rules
In the first part of the form
- Name of the Manufacturer
In the second part of the form, the following has to be registered.
- PAN-based Registration Number
In the Third Part of the form, the following has to be registered.
- Details on a month to which the return relates
In the Fourth Part of the form, details of receipt and consumption of principal inputs and finished excisable goods:
- Sr.No.
- Description of principal inputs
- Quantity Code*
- Opening Balance
- Receipt
- Taken for use in the manufacture of dutiable and exempted finished goods
- Removed as such for export or for home consumption
- Closing Balance
- Finished goods manufactured out of inputs. This has and 2.Description
- Quantity code of finished goods* Quantity of finished goods manufactured
In fifth part of the form,
Details of waste and scrap arising during manufacture and cleared/destroyed: I/ has to be mentioned as per content mentioned in table.
- S.No
- Description of waste and scrap Quantity code
- Quantity Code: Has two categories as followed
- Cleared
- Destroyed
In the Sixth part of the form, there is a declaration and Acknowledgment that is present.
- (i) I/We _________________declare that the particulars declared above have been compared with the records and books of my/our factory/warehouse and the same are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. (ii) I/we am/are authorized to sign this return.
(ii) I/we am/are authorized to sign this return.
The signature of the authorized signatory and Name in Capital letters has to be mentioned with place and Date
The last part of the form is Acknowledgement
Here the following details have to be entered.
- Return of receipt and consumption of principal inputs and finished excisable goods for the month ending
- Date of receipt in DD, MM, and YY Format.
- Name and Signature of the officer with the seal.
Find your ER6 Form here: ER-6
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